01 bulk handling

From a white paper...

LVP Engineering & Constructions offers specific solutions for the bulk material processing industry. 

If no standard solution is available, we develop solutions in consultation with the customer from white paper solutions. If required, the projects are delivered "turnkey".

Our bulk handling customers are active in all industrial sectors and range from SMEs to global players in the food, recycling and port sectors.

They process green coffee, cocoa, salt, cereals, rice, animal feed, cellulose, craft food, flour, electronic scrap and precious metals, among other things. 

Not every project is always a complete turnkey production unit.  We are also prepared to come up with a solution for the optimisation of part of the production process.

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Over the years, we have entered into some exclusive partnerships for standard materials in our bulk handling business:

We use material from our partners wherever possible. As a result, we not only supply to end customers, but also to installers. If it does not exist, we can develop it ourselves.

Project pictures

NORO Gesellschaft für Rohrsysteme mbH

We are distributors for standard modular pipe systems by NORO in Belgium and France.

Pipes, segments, bends, tension rings, two-way valves, etc.

Powder-coated, stainless steel or galvanised in wall thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm.

Wear-resistant coated material in polyurethane for high-wear areas is possible.

Project pictures

DENIS Bulk handling devices

Wherever possible, we use the standard DENIS solutions:

  • Bucket elevators 
  • Cleaners: shaker sieves and rotary cleaners
  • Z-elevators
  • Screws
  • Grain ventilation.

Project pictures

TPLG (Tout Pour Le Grain)

TPLG is a global leader in grain sampling.

LVP uses and installs TPLG solutions for sampling in trucks or bulk materials in the product flow.